Season 1 Episode 1: What Does It Mean To Be Disabled?

Welcome to "Think Differently with Dr. Theresa Haskins," a podcast that challenges the status quo and explores diverse perspectives on a range of important topics. In our debut episode, we tackle the concept of disability and how it is often misunderstood. In addition, we discuss how being disabled does not mean an individual is unable to work and examine the experiences of neurodivergent individuals in the workplace.

Join us as we delve into the importance of embracing neurodiversity and valuing diverse ways of thinking to create a more inclusive and accommodating society. Through this conversation, we hope to encourage listeners to think differently about disability and to recognize the value of unique perspectives. Tune in to our podcast and join the journey towards a more accepting and equitable world.


Season 1 Episode 2: Breaking Free from the Success Trap with Neurodiversity in Mind